visual artist & conservator

the clay project

The Clay Project started as a discussion between visual artist Beth McCubbin and aboriginal youth worker Kateri Miles, from Minwaashin Lodge in Vanier, Ottawa. The intent of the project is to offer free clay workshops to Ottawa's Aboriginal Community, to celebrate Community through the creation of a Public Artwork, and as a positive way to be involved in the Canada 150 celebrations.

Once permanently installed, the mural will be accompanied by a plaque to celebrate all Indigenous Peoples in 2017. It will distinguish this time in history as Year One of Reconciliation in Canada and commemorate our present and future as a Proud Strong Diverse Nation.

The mural is presently composed of 80 tiles made by over 75 participants...and still growing...

Women's Gathering along the Shores of the Pasapkedjiwanong

This workshop was so nice; it took place in the dining hall at an old camp, Rideau Hill Camp, along the Pasapkedjiwanong, the original Algonquin name for the Rideau River. It means 'the river that passes between the rocks'. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the all the windows in the old dining hall were open and the fans were blowing...

As we were located in the dining room, there was a lot of coming and going because of hunger, thirst and the need to escape the heat outside...this meant more and more women just kept joining us, filling more and more tables full of tiles!

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

I believe all of the woman at this table were Métis, over the course of the workshops I started to recognize patterns involving flowers, that I believe come from traditional Métis Culture. Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

I believe all of the woman at this table were Métis, over the course of the workshops I started to recognize patterns involving flowers, that I believe come from traditional Métis Culture. Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

one of the Métis tiles I believe...Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

one of the Métis tiles I believe...Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

I have to agree...Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

I have to agree...Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli

Photo credit: Jenna Spagnoli



Beth McCubbin